Printable 12 Steps And 12 Traditions

Printable 12 Steps And 12 Traditions – Download a pdf file of the twelve steps and twelve traditions of alcoholics anonymous, reprinted and adapted with. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. 12 steps and 12 traditions the twelve steps 1. Downloadable and printable pdfs available. The twelve traditions teach us how to relate lovingly to others, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. Known as the twelve and twelve,” the book dedicates a chapter to each step and each tradition. Print the twelve steps and twelve traditions. Here we begin to practice all twelve steps of the program in our daily lives so that we and those about us may fi nd emotional sobriety. Twelve steps and twelve traditions explains the 24 basic principles of alcoholics anonymous. Chapters provide an interpretation of these principles for personal recovery and the organization of the group.

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