Make A Hand Drawn Repeating Pattern Printable Handout

Make A Hand Drawn Repeating Pattern Printable Handout – It’s perfect for a scatter design and can be used for screen printing or block printing. Learn the simple steps to creating repeating patterns. With this technique, a repeat pattern can build seamlessly with no awkward joins or obvious lines. Read on for instructions or scroll down to watch a video. You can now repeat your pattern, by copying the square and putting them together, over and over again. If you don’t have a computer or you’re not a fan of photoshop or illustrator: If you’ve been working on paper, you’re probably going to want to scan your tile in, and then edit it digitally so you can reproduce it more easily. Now you have a finished pattern tile! Learn how to simply create a surface pattern repeat design by hand. I thought it would be a good time to show you one of my favourite ways to make a repeat pattern.

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